Want To Attract Bats To Your Garden? Use Trees To Help You Succeed

A single bat can consume around 1,200 mosquitoes in just 60 minutes. This alone makes attracting bats to your property an attractive opportunity. But, you cannot expect bats to randomly show up and stay; you have to put effort into making your landscape a habitat that they are interested in. Giving shelter and food to bats will help to attract them, but you also want to provide them with trees.

Grow Fruit Trees

Fruit trees are sometimes a challenge to grow and have successful harvests because of how many pests they attract. This is perfect bait to bring insect-eating bats to your property. Fruit trees such as plums, pears, and apricots are ideal because they do not have hard outer layers. These ones naturally attract more pests because it is easier for the insects to make their way into the fruit or eat it from the outside. Attracting a large number of insects will make it tempting for bats to stick around for a long time.

Provide Protection

Although bats may dominate over insects, they still have predators in the sky. So, you need to provide them with some kind of protection if you expect them to visit your landscape on a regular basis. Trees are an ideal solution, and the best ones are evergreen shade trees as they will provide shade all year long. Creating a line of trees on your property with both fruit and shade trees mixed in is a smart choice.

If you want to start getting results in a short period of time, you should consider fast-growing shade trees. The Northern red oak is a perfect example of a tree that grows tall, quickly, and has an ideal canopy. Contact local tree services for more information.

Add Shelter for Bats

If you are going to go all-out to attract these critters to your property, you need to have a decent amount of space. Although you can attach bat houses to trees, they are not as effective as using buildings. Using a backyard shed or even your house is an option for placing bat houses. Keeping them at least 20 feet away from tree branches is best, especially because you want them to get plenty of sunlight.

Although you might not see much of the bats that you attract to your property, you should certainly notice a difference through insect control. Using trees in your plan to attract bats is crucial to your success.
