Signs That a Stump Should Be Removed

An old stump in your yard may look quaint at first, possibly even providing a neat little tabletop to display a flower pot or a bird bath. Unfortunately, it could also later become a major problem if you opted not to have it removed. The following are signs that it's time to have the stump removed instead of leaving it as a natural piece of yard art.

Sign #1: Termites are an issue

If you live in an area known for termite problems, or if you have had them in the past, the last thing you want to do is to leave a large piece of rotting wood in your yard to attract them. This is especially true if the stump is located near your home or close to another wooden outbuilding on your property. Prompt removal will prevent these pests from finding an easy food source.

Sign #2: Suckers can take over

Cutting down a tree doesn't always kill it. Some trees can grow back by sending up new stems from the roots or the base of the stump. This ability often becomes more pronounced after the tree is cut down. The result is the constant removal of twiggy growth, which are called suckers, from the lawn and stump area. Removing the stump puts an end to annoying sucker production since this will completely kill any remaining living roots.

Sign #3: Disease prevention

Disease organisms and plant pests often take up residence in rotting stumps. Fungal diseases can be an especially insidious problem since you may not even be aware of their existence until the spores spread to nearby healthy plants. One way to cut down on diseases and pests in the yard is to remove dead stumps and other plant debris that are harboring these problems.

Sign #4: Sunken ground

As the stump and the radius of roots leading out from it begin to rot, the ground will sink or even cave in. This process can continue over many years, resulting in a bumpy or uneven yard. If you have the stump removed promptly after the tree is cut down, any remaining roots will will begin rotting immediately. This means you can begin leveling out the soil sooner and be done with whole process much more quickly than if you waited to remove the stump.

For more help, contact a tree- and stump-removal professional or company in your area.  
