What's Wrong With Your Trees?

What is wrong with your trees? Whether you have a few branches that appear to be dead or dying or whole trees starting to die off, it's important to have a tree diagnosis done on your property. A tree diagnosis is a detailed workup on your trees to determine what is wrong with them so you can have treatments done or have trees cut down and removed as necessary.

Only a specialized tree expert who has been trained in both diagnosis of trees and tree diagnosis solutions can correctly identify what is wrong with your trees. You can do some research to help you determine if you need to call a tree arborist or if you need to do something on your own to repair your trees, although calling a professional is often your best solution.

What's wrong with your trees? Only a tree diagnosis will tell you, but here are a few options to consider. 

Your trees may be infected

Your trees may be infected with a parasite or fungus that you cannot see but that you can definitely see the effects of. Your trees can lose bark, leaves, and branches, or have damage to all three from an unseen infestation. This is likely the case if several of your trees of the same species are being affected and other trees are seemingly OK.

Your trees may be poorly planted

Have you recently planted your trees and none of them are doing well? There are a few reasons that this may be happening; your tree diagnosis can quickly determine what's going on. From a damaged root ball system to trees being underwatered or overwatered, trees damaged in the process of planting may be saved if they are diagnosed and restored in time.

Your trees may be old

Trees don't live forever, and if you have older trees on your property, they can slowly die over time. You'll see older growth start to die off in your aging trees and new growth coming in too slow to replace it all. Tree diagnosis solutions will help determine what problems your trees have and how they can be repaired, and if your older trees can be salvaged, your tree arborist will help have this done.

There are many solutions you can explore to see if you can salvage trees that are failing, and it begins with a proper tree diagnosis. Your tree specialist will give you a quote for services, which can vary depending on how many trees you have.

Contact a local tree service to schedule a tree diagnosis.  
