5 Reasons Why Your Tree Is Losing Its Bark

Have you noticed that your tree is losing its bark? Don't panic just yet. Sometimes, bark loss is harmless and not an indication that a tree is in trouble. However, trees lose bark for numerous reasons. So be sure you identify exactly why your tree is losing bark.

If you can identify the cause of your tree's bark loss early, then you can hire a tree service to treat your tree quickly if necessary.

1. Your tree is shedding due to new growth

Like a snake sheds its skin, trees shed their bark as they grow to make way for new bark. But this shedding process is more noticeable with some tree species, such as sycamores, silver maples, and redbuds, because the process is slower.

If your tree looks healthy overall and the wood under the peeling bark is healthy, your tree may simply be shedding due to new growth.

2. Extreme temperatures are to blame

Severe weather can damage trees and cause their bark to peel. For instance, drought and unusually long bouts of hot weather can cause bark to crack and fall off trees. And when trees are still bare of leaves in winter and early spring, sun scald can damage bark and cause peeling.

3. Your tree has naturally thin bark

Some trees have naturally smooth bark that is thin and peels regularly, such as birch and cherry trees. In this case, you have nothing to worry about, as long as your tree appears healthy.

4. Rodents are eating your tree's bark

Some rodents eat the bark off of trees. If rabbits, voles, or mice are abundant in your area, these critters could be to blame for your tree's bark loss. Rodents can kill trees by girdling them, which means removing the bark from a tree in a complete ring around the trunk.

If your tree loses too much bark, it will die. You'll need to consider removing it in that case before it becomes a safety hazard since dead trees are dry and brittle.

5. Pests or diseases are to blame

Pests like ants and wood borers can damage trees and cause bark shedding in extreme cases. You can identify pest infestations visually by inspecting your tree for pests and pest damage.

And diseases are also another cause of bark loss. If your tree has dying branches and leaves, fungal growths, or cankers, disease is to blame for the bark loss. Diseases can kill trees, so swift treatment is necessary. You may need a tree service to remove your tree soon to prevent the disease from spreading to other trees in your yard.

For more information, contact a local company, like Falling Branch Tree Services, LLC.
