3 Ways To Protect Native Wildlife When Scheduling Tree Trimming Services

Trimming any trees on your property will extend your trees' life and help improve your home's appearance. While it can be tempting to go ahead and schedule trimming services for all of your trees, you need to understand the impact that trimming can have on the environment and the native wildlife that lives on your property. 

Before scheduling any tree services, consider the following ways you can prepare and what can be done to protect native wildlife. 

Work with Accredited Arborists

The first thing you need to do is choose an arborist that you can trust. Only some arborists have the experience or qualifications to trim trees safely and appropriately for the environment. Check if the arborist is accredited by the International Society of Arboriculture. Checking if an arborist is accredited can help you to make informed decisions about which arborist to work with. 

An arborist's training can play a big part in handling the wildlife when preparing your trees and during the trimming process.

Choose the Right Time of Year

If you're interested in having your trees trimmed, you need to choose the right time of year for the service. Since wildlife can nest or rest in trees during different times of the year, trimming can be a hazard to the wildlife and their young. Eastern grey squirrels have babies twice a year, in early spring and late summer, making it wise to schedule tree services at a different time. 

Since you don't want to disturb the squirrels or any birds that nest in your trees, reach out to an arborist to get recommendations on when to schedule tree services. 

Schedule a Wildlife Survey

Reach out to an arborist to schedule a wildlife survey to determine whether there's anything nesting in your trees before tree trimming begins. A wildlife survey includes using binoculars and a ladder to examine your trees closely. This step can detect nests and any wildlife that may be in the area. Scheduling a wildlife survey before tree trimming can give you the peace of mind that your trees are ready for any services. 

Taking care of the trees on your property is an essential part of maintaining your yard. If you notice a lot of wildlife on your property, especially during certain times of the year, it may be time to schedule a wildlife survey and work with an arborist. Keep the above tips in mind and be diligent when hiring an arborist and you can continue enjoying wildlife even after tree services are completed.

For more information, contact residential tree care services near you.
