How To Tell When Trees Need To Be Trimmed

If you have trees in your yard, you may wonder how to tell when they need to be trimmed. You may like the way your trees create a lot of shade in your yard, and you may not realize the trees and your property would be better off if the trees were trimmed. Here are signs it's time to call a tree service and have your trees trimmed into shape.

When Trees Crowd Each Other

If you or a previous owner planted trees too close to each other, the trees may grow in odd shapes as they search for the sun. This might make the mature trees lopsided with the weight unevenly distributed. The limbs of the trees might touch and scrape each other when the wind blows. The trees might create such a dense patch of shade that the walkways and siding on your house have trouble with mold or algae.

A tree service might remove branches to untangle the trees. They might need to cut off big limbs, or even remove a tree or two. Doing this could make the trees more stable and safer. Plus, this could let more light hit the ground so algae and mold won't be a big problem.

When Branches Head For Areas They Could Damage

Call a tree service when your trees get large enough that the branches are getting close to your roof, power lines, car, or other things on your property they could damage. Don't wait until the branches are already touching power lines or scraping your roof.

Getting branches trimmed back early prevents roof damage and it also prevents the need to get the power company involved in disconnecting electricity to allow the tree service to work. Anticipate where the trees are likely to grow within the next several months and have the tree service trim them back early. You may need to do this every year or two.

When Some Branches Look Dead

Brown spots in your trees are unattractive, but worse, they might have diseases or infestations that can spread. If you see branches that look like they are dead or dying, call a tree service to have the dead branches removed. They might even tell you why the branches are sick so you know if you need to treat the tree or nearby trees to keep them from getting sick too.

Damaged branches should also be removed, such as branches that snap due to animal damage or strong wind. When branches are damaged, insects and infections can start growing and eventually spread through your tree, so it's important to remove any branches that don't look healthy and strong.

For more information, contact a tree service near you.
