3 Important Signs That Tree Care Services Are Needed For Removing Trees

Trees provide more than beautification to properties. They provide shaded areas, which allow homeowners to sit outside in cool places. Most homeowners have at least one tree on their properties. They may grow an attachment to their tree(s), and removing trees from properties can be disheartening to some homeowners who are fond of their landscapes and beloved trees. This is often the case with mature trees or those with sentimental value. 

Homeowners need to realize that trees that pose a hazard need to be removed. These are usually dead or diseased trees. It is important to note that a tree care service may be able to nurse some diseased trees back to health. They can examine them to determine if the disease is too advanced. Tree technicians can also determine if a disease puts other trees at risk. If they have a contagious disease, it would be wise to remove them. Many of these trees will die anyway. The following points highlight a few signs of a dying or dead tree.

Abnormal Bark

Trees naturally shed bark, and healthy trees replace the bark that they have shed. A dying tree will not be able to replenish its lost bark, and abnormalities will be evident. The process of a tree shedding bark a regenerating it is similar to how the human body sheds skin cells and replaces them. The bark is also a protection for the tree just as the skin is a barrier of protection for humans. 

Insect Infestation

Infestations are a clear sign of a dead tree. Termites and borers are types of insects that take delight in feasting on dead wood. If they are present, the tree is most likely dead. This is a safety risk because the more they feast, the weaker the tree will get. These pests may also end up migrating to homes and becoming an issue to homeowners as they attack wood building materials. 

Abnormal Leaning

This refers to trees that have started to lean. Homeowners are usually familiar with the growth pattern of their trees. If a tree that used to stand upright starts to lean, there is likely a health issue present or the tree may be dead. These trees are at a high risk of falling at any moment. Some homeowners assume that inclement weather causes trees to fall. While this is true, a dead tree can fall at any time, which is why removing trees in this condition is wise. 

Reach out to a tree care service near you to learn more.
